TEI Supporter Pledge

Thank you for supporting The Ethics Institute’s vision of building an ethically responsible society. You are an important part of the effort to successfully achieve our vision and mission.

Being a Supporter comes without stringent “requirements”, however, we kindly request that you express your commitment by digitally endorsing the Pledge provided below upon your initial registration, as well as each year upon renewal.

It’s important to note that this pledge is aspirational, and while we won’t enforce it, your personal commitment to upholding this Pledge is what truly matters.

Upon receiving your online registration form and signed Pledge, we will promptly provide you with a quotation for your annual subscription fees. If you haven’t received a response from our Supporter Coordinator within 48 hours, please feel free to reach out to us at supporters@tei.org.za.

Sign the pledge now:

“I support The Ethics Institute’s vision of building an ethically responsible society by acting ethically and promoting ethics in my sphere of influence”.

By completing the below fields, I commit to upholding TEI’s Supporter Pledge.

Supporter Pledge

Individual RegistrationGroup Registration