Individual Supporter: Registration Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Supporter or renewing your Supporter subscription with The Ethics Institute.

An individual with an existing Supporter number will only be required to complete this form should their subscription had expired more than twelve (12) months ago.

If you haven’t received a response from our coordinator within 48 hours, please feel free to reach out to us at

Sign The Pledge Now

After completing the fields below, remember to sign TEI’s Supporter Pledge.

Individual Supporter Registration Form

  • (If applicable)
  • If your employer is responsible for payment of your Supporter subscription fee, complete the below:

  • The Ethics Institute recognises its responsibility to protect the Personal Information collected under the Protection of Personal Information, Act 4 of 2013, and have taken reasonable measures to ensure that all Personal Information is protected under its care. A copy of the Ethics Institute's Protection of Personal Information Policy is available from the Information Officer, on request.