MTN Cameroon Ethics Initiative – The Ethics Caravan
MTN Cameroon is committed to conducting business with the highest degree of trust, candor, integrity, and compliance with laws. This commitment is reflected in MTN’s Code of Ethics and our 2025 ambition with integrity at its core.
Over the past two years, MTNC’s Ethics maturity has progressed from a semi-mature stage to full maturity. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that we maintain our leading position in terms of maturity. This involves continuing the activities that have brought us this far, fostering innovation, and strengthening our regional ties. To achieve this, we’ve decided to combine learning with an element of fun.
This is why, in November 2022, during Ethics Week, we launched the Ethics Caravan. The concept was built around a treasure hunt, our way of promoting an ethical culture at MTN Cameroon and bringing MTNers in the regions closer together with the theme “Go Beyond Compliance.”
To go beyond mere compliance, we invited our employees to participate in a DATE (Disrupt, Agile, Timely, and Excellence) with fun.
The goal of the Caravan was to train employees and raise awareness of MTN policies by combining ethics with fun through a variety of activities in the form of a treasure hunt. This approach helped employees understand our code of ethics and policies, how they relate to their daily tasks, and empowered them to act as custodians of our values.
The format of the Treasure Hunt was as follows:
Starting point: employees had to journey from the Ethics Village to the Ethics “Kongossa” corner, then to the Dart & Arrow stand, and finally to Ethics Genius, concluding with a Fun Challenge.
At the conclusion of these activities, we anchored a radio broadcast to connect with other employees in the company. This allowed us to gather feedback from participants in the caravan and emphasise key messages for them to take home.
The feedback received from employees thus far has been highly satisfactory, and they have truly enjoyed this innovative approach to learning with fun. Employees in the regions have equally expressed their delight at our efforts to reach out to them, enabling them to experience this unique learning style.
In November 2023, the Ethics Caravan will complete its tour, and a brand-new concept will be introduced, which we will surely share with you next year.
Stay tuned!
# GobeyondCompliance
# ADatewithfun