EO 498 – Ellah Ntuli
Ellah Ntuli
VBKom Consulting Engineers (Pty) Ltd
HR Intern
Why did you attend the programme?
I attended the ethics training because, I wanted to gain more knowledge about the different ethics aspects and how they are applied in the working environment, especially in the Human Resources field for it’s important to attend such training as we deal with a variety of ethical challenges in most cases.
How did it benefit you personally?
Personally I benefited a lot; I learnt about the Ethical responsibilities and that ethical conduct is important because it does not only involve doing what is right and proper; it’s also for businesses with the basis for a long-term success of the organization. It also promotes a strong public image for the organization as people respect organizations that make ethical choices.
How is it benefiting your company?
The company is now aware of the importance of ethics and that being ethical means applying principles of honesty and fairness and applying these principles towards our clients and stakeholders.