Ethics Awareness for Managers Programme
This online Ethics Awareness for Managers Programme is aimed at supervisors and mid-level managers – all of whom have a responsibility to promote and enhance the ethical culture in their spheres of influence.
Whilst the ethics office manages an organisation’s ethics programmes, it relies on managers across all levels for the oversight and implementation of ethics within their respective areas of influence. Managers play a crucial role in supporting the ethics office, alongside their management and technical responsibilities. This programme will provide participants with the necessary practical skills, knowledge, and tools required to effectively manage ethics.
Throughout the programme, we delve into the following key themes:
- Module 1: Ethics in organisations
- Module 2: Managing organisational ethics
- Module 3: Important role players
- Module 4: Ethical culture and the role of managers
Online: The programme is expected to take approximately 3.5 hours to complete.
After successfully completing the EOCP and the practical assignment, participants are awarded accreditation by the Stellenbosch Business School (SBS) and TEI as Certified Ethics Officers.
In addition, all newly certified Ethics Officers receive public recognition on TEI’s website and are automatically enrolled as TEI Supporters, with their first year of subscription fees covered.